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Reward FAQS

Q: Where do I submit receipts?

A: To submit a receipt, take a clear picture of each individual receipt and Upload Receipts » within 7 days of purchase. *NOTE: You must be on your mobile device and have the latest version of the app installed to access.

Q: How long will it take for points to appear in my account after I submit my receipt?

A: The points will appear in your account 7 business days after submission. You will also receive a push notification on your mobile device alerting you that the points have hit your account.

Q: Can I receive points for anything else aside from submitting receipts?

A: Yes! You can earn points by completing other activities such as opening an email from us or logging onto the center's WiFi. To view all points opportunities, go to the Rewards tab in the app and click the Activities icon found on the bottom right.

Q: How much is $1 spent worth in Rewards points?

A: For every $1 spent, you will receive 1 Rewards point.

Q: How do I spend my Rewards points?

A: To spend your Rewards points, go to the Rewards tab on the app, and click on the Shop icon in the bottom center. You will see all Rewards available and how many points they're worth. Click on the Reward you'd like to purchase, then select 'Buy Reward'.

Q: How do I redeem my Rewards purchases?

A: You will first be notified of your purchase. To redeem this purchase you will take your mobile device to our Mall Management Office located behind American Eagle Outfitters facing the parking lot, and click Redeem Reward. The Your app will display a screen that verfies you have bought the Reward and has only 30 seconds to be redeemed, so click on it when the Mall Management Office representative is ready to confirm your reward.

Mall Management Office Hours: Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm

Q: Do my points expire?

A: Yes, your points expire after one year of receipt date.

Q: Can I upload receipts from an online purchase?

A: No, the Rewards program is specific to our center's stores; therefore, receipts must be from in-person purchases. Online purchases that are picked up in store are also not included.